
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

new words and phrases

Jack is starting to say so many new things. We were at the playground at Chik-fil-a and he asked "where the shoes go". Just this week he started saying "I hungry" and "I thirsty". Amazing. Funny to me that those two phrases followed "I Mad" which he has been saying for weeks! He also says "I did it" and "I get it", which I love. I want my kids to be super independent. I hope I am doing a good job to give that gift to them. He also tells others to "sit down", usually at the table when it is time to eat. I am so proud of my little Jack. He is growing up so fast. Laiken has a few new phrases too, but they include words like "freakin" and "this is your last warning" and of course " are you listening to me". She is such a sweet little girl. I need to watch how I talk to her, she will tell on me. Well, at least she does not use fowl language. (although I was really embarrassed when she said freakin) Jack's newest obsession is hot wheels cars. He carries around 3 or 4 at all times. He sleeps with them and takes them everywhere we go. It is really cute. Laiken got a new pack of big girl panties on Saturday. She has been carrying them around ever since. I convinced her to please put them in her drawer. The next thing I know she is looking a little thick in the hip area. Oh yes, she put on every pair, thinking that was better than carrying them all around. She is relentless. When it comes to clothes, pajamas, panties, and dress up dresses, I just have to choose my battles carefully. Mostly I just let it go, so she changes 5 or 6 times a day. Oh well, it could be worse!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

growing up way too fast!

Jack sleeps in a playpen, instead of his toddler bed...(see previous post Thurs, July 16th "I WIN"). Well, score is Mama 1-Jack 1. Tonight, he got out! Yep, he climbed right out. What will keep him in the bed now? Don't ask me, I am wondering that myself!
Laiken surprised me in Wal-Mart tonight. As we were walking around, she is telling me that she is thirsty and wants a drink. I told her we will go to sonic next (only b/c I wanted a big fountain coke). She said "No, I want it here. I know the lady has some." I said, "What lady?" She said, "The lady at the pretzel place has lemonades!" Man, she remembered a few months ago when we were waiting for a prescription, I took her and Jack over to the Auntie Ann's in the front Wal-Mart and got them a lemonade to share. She is so smart. And starting to remember everything and everywhere we go!
I love my babies!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I think I need a babysitter while I am cooking supper.

And just in case you are wondering...I cleaned the bathroom (including scrubbing that toilet) just hours earlier. Luck? I think so. And yes, that is toilet water and toilet paper all over the wall, the floor, my child, and a trail from the bathroom to the kitchen, where he ran, to show me the fun he was having. His expression in the picture, probably is similar to the one on my face as well....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

everyday fun!!

Jack has a new phrase "ah stuck!" He is a smart cookie too, b/c he uses his new phrase in the booster seat, car seat, and stroller. He is not so much stuck, as he is strapped in! But it is still adorable when he screams it. Yesterday walking into Sam's, Laiken was calling my name "mama, mama, mama". The greeter/card checker lady at the door was a grungy looking old lady that was mocking her "mama, mama, mama" and said "that's my mama" as we walked by. My little Laiken, bless her little heart, frowned at the lady. And like a grown up, she waited until we passed the woman...and with a disgusted look she said to me (with the proper amount of attitude and some snobbiness) "we do NOT need her help!" How dare that lady talk to us... the nerve! Haha it was priceless! She is definitely going to be a handful. Probably my fault, I remember saying to Lisa and Mama in my living room a few months ago, "Princesses don't get spankings!" Which Laiken repeated with the same attitude, as if on cue. Mama said I will eat those words one day. Probably so. Tonight was our second soccer game. Dylan did an amazing job! He is definitely the best on our team. The last game he had a problem with getting hurt alot. He was carried off the field in a crumpled mess about 6 times. Before tonight's game, Daddy gave him a little pep talk. He explained the difference between hurt and an injury. And just to be sure he understood...Trey told him that if he was carried off the field for no reason, that we would go home. It worked b/c Dylan was so tough tonight. It really let people see what an amazing athlete he can be when there is no distracting drama. He even seemed to enjoy it more! He was knocked down by one kid and halfway stepped on by another and still jumped up and went after the ball. It was so much fun tonight. During the game, Laiken and Jack were bribed with suckers to stay still. Jack remained "ah stuck" in the stroller for most of the game. Finally, the last ten minutes I let him out. And he seized the first opportunity he had to run on the field during the game while I wasn't looking. Good thing some lady was watching and saved him from being trampled, just as I noticed he was missing. And right after that Laiken and Jack were playing on the next field, which was empty, in the goal. Harmless I thought. So I was watching Dylan play again. Laiken got tangled in the net and was rescued by a lady who was jogging on a track around the fields. So I definitely was not looking to get a mom award tonight. Nothing like both your kids being rescued by total strangers to remind you not to take your eyes off of them, not even for a second!