
Monday, October 27, 2008

Be Thankful for today!!

Are we country or what???
I need to tell myself every morning to be thankful for today. No matter how crazy or stressed I get, I should be thankful for each day. The reason I say this is because here lately it seems that they are all passing so fast.I am so busy and have so much running around to do that the days are just gone. I had such a sappy moment when Laiken and Jack were in the bath tub the other night. I was telling Trey how tired I was from running around. He said it will get better. I told him no it wouldn't because it would only get worse as they get older. Just wait until they all are involved in extra stuff. Then I told him that one day we will be old and gray looking at each other wondering when our kids grew up and moved away. Like the Trace Atkins song "your gonna miss this".
Tonight around bedtime Laiken wanted juice and I said how about some water, Laiken said, "say juice". I was so proud of her today, she put together a hopscotch puzzle. She has played with it a lot but this was the first time she put it together by herself. She was so proud. Then a few minutes later Jack had discovered her puzzle and decided he wanted to play with it. Of course she screamed, "my pieces, my pieces!! Jack's got my pieces, he's tear them up!!" So for all of you that watch UFC... She runs at Jack and TKO'd him with a flying knee to the face. Trey asked what did Jack do then. I said he did what anyone hit with a flying knee would do. He collapsed and screamed! It was really bad. She grabbed him and kissed his head and said sorry about 10 times (probably cause she knew she was in trouble).
I haven't blogged in a while (Brian must be busy too. lol) so I'm trying to think of the moments worth sharing.... I remember earlier in the week how Laiken used to play the "I drop it, you pick it up" game with anyone who would play with her. A little boy in the walmart checkout line picked up her rattle and handed it to her. She was around 9 or 10 months and he was about 7. After the third or fourth time she dropped it, he told his dad I think she's doing it on purpose. Of course she was. That is Jack's favorite game now. But the funny part is that Laiken is a born picker upper. She doesn't mind if he drops it 500 times. She picks it up each time and gives it back. It's as if they were destined to find each other. One to drop and one to pick up....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where's Jack?

I named my blog address "Have you seen my keys" b/c I say that so much. I should have named it "Where's Jack". That has become my new frequent question. Last night after a long, uneventful football practice, we got home at 8:30. Dylan got a shower and I put Laiken in the bath. When he got out, I told him it was bedtime and as soon as I got the babies out they are going to bed too. So I left Laiken, to quickly tuck Dylan in. (I know, I know, I should never leave her alone in the tub) I left the bathroom, walked through the kitchen. Jack was pulled up to his booster seat playing with the straps. I went in to Dylan's room and kissed him goodnight. On the way back, I wondered "Where's Jack?" he's not by his highchair now. As I get to the bathroom, there is a river of water flowing out into my bedroom. I hear Jack laughing. Our bathtub is tall and has a built in step in the front. Jack has climbed up (that's his new thing, climbing) and is standing on the step and Laiken has a big cup in her hand...Can you see where this is going??? She is pouring cupfuls of water on his head while he is standing on the step next to the tub. His hair is soaked and his clothes are dripping wet and him and Laiken are both laughing hysterically. I asked Laiken "What are you doing?" she said " I pour water on Jack". I wonder how he'll survive Laiken. He's gonna be tough, I know that for sure. Today while I was gathering and washing clothes earlier, I came in the kitchen and he had crawled into the pantry. I get so tired of hearing all the little old ladies we run into say "you must have your hands full" and they smile. But it is unbelievable how true it is. But there are so many moments that wash away the craziness. Last night I rocked Jack to sleep (those days are fading fast) and held him for about thirty minutes. Heaven. Perfect ending to crazy days.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Laiken's zoo class

Laiken started her zoo toddler class on Thursday. It is every thurs for 45 minutes. They dance, sing, read books, have snacks, and get to meet an animal. She was unusually clingy and reserved. I think she will open up a little more next week. Jack had alot of fun, he was excited to meet so many new people. At the end of this class, Laiken got to pet a snake. She was not scared at all. After her turn petting the snake, she said, "I want to play with it." A couple of mom's laughed. Then she touched a turtle. And last they brought out a parrot that could talk. He was shy too, because the zoo keeper swore he could talk but he wouldn't say a word. He whistled at us a waved. And at the end he blew kisses, that's all. Laiken loved him too. It was alot of fun, and I hope it will help Laiken by being around other kids her age. Afterwards we played on the playground. Laiken remembers that the slide is next to the zoo. So every Thurs. will be an all day event with the class, then looking at animals, and ending with the playground. Thursday's will be my new favorite day. It makes for a long day, but nothing else makes her as happy as the zoo does. I love seeing her that happy. All day long now she tells me, "I want to see the animals."

Saturday, October 4, 2008

zoo day!!

Today Laiken, Jack, and I went to the Hattiesburg Zoo. The admission is $2 and kids under 4 are free. (That should tell you about how many animals there are) But I have to say it is a really nice zoo, just short. I let Laiken stay at each exhibit until she was ready to move on. She really watched and talked about each animal. Mostly her comments were "I want to pet it." or"I want to hold it." She even wanted to hold the tiger. Cute. Jack rode in the stroller the whole time with his feet propped up watching all of the wild kids around us. You think your own kids are wild, until you see how other people's kids act. Dylan is at his mom's this weekend and Trey had to stay in LA to work. So we just moved slow and did what we wanted. We rode the carousel twice and stayed at the park by the zoo for about an hour. On the way home we stopped at sonic and got milkshakes. Jack slept, Laiken made a mess. I am washing both carseats now. :) It was a wonderful, stress-free day. Tuesday is the homecoming parade for Sandhill School. Dylan will be riding the second grade float. I am so excited for him, and for Laiken. This will be her first parade. I've been slow on blogging lately b/c I had to return Jack's crib to Target for a crib recall.Due to poor planning I had to order a crib online. It took 6 days to get here. Jack slept with me all 5 nights. Now he refuses to sleep in the new crib. He is finally beginning to adjust. May take another week. But he's been in my bed at night and the slightest noise (typing on the computer) wakes him up. So that is a lie about putting your babies to bed where there is noise when they are new born and they'll be heavy sleepers later. Do you think it is ever quiet here? NO. And he is a lighter sleeper than Mama. And you know how bad she offense mom. I can forgive him though, he started saying mama this week. He says it all the time, especially when he's sleepy or wants something. I love it sooo much. There is nothing like it in the world!